Personal Journey

Through my own personal journey, I’ve witnessed firsthand the power of making an active, conscious decision to change the relationship you have with yourself. 

It all started the moment I committed to getting to know my true self - rather than trying to fit into people’s idea of who I was meant to be.

Understanding and accepting my discomforts and taking action to explore these was just the beginning. I stopped doubting myself, trying to suppress feelings of dissatisfaction, and began to trust my gut.

And it hit me. The answers had always been there, within me, i just had stopped tuning in.

This acknowledgement was life-changing. By trusting my intuition and honouring my inner wisdom, everything fell into place.

My health blossomed: from being diagnosed with PCOS and fertility issues I rewrote my story and gained vibrant wellbeing and fertility, without using any medication - quite on the contrary, eliminating them all.

The alignment of my professional life with my passion and purpose followed, as I made my spiritual practice become a daily act of self-love and started accepting my emotions - tending to them with compassion, love and acceptance.

I infused every part of my life with intentionality and authenticity and every single day since then i make the conscious choice to keep it going.

Glimpses Of My Life

An intimate monthly newsletter for any woman who feels the craving for authenticity.

Passion & Purpose

I took a leap of faith and moved away from the chaos of the corporate world and finally enrolled in the “Institute of Integrative Nutrition” - the biggest holistic health coaching school worldwide, based in New York. I became a passionate advocate of redefining health through the mind-body connection and learnt to use nutrition as a gateway exploration for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. I also dug deeper into the science of nutrition by taking courses both on gut health and blood sugar balance.

Life then brought me to go deeper into emotional, mental and spiritual health and as a result of an incredible period of personal exploration and growth i decided to enroll in “Working with Satya” Awareness Facilitator Training. A preparation that blends modern psychotherapy with meditation and shamanism to help and support people to live in harmony and alignment with themselves. 

In the meantime, I became a Mother - the most powerful journey of them all. I took time to connect to my pregnancy, prepare for my incredible home birth and set myself up for a thriving post-partum. My own transition into motherhood inspired me to open my practice to support and inspire women towards conscious conception, radiant pregnancies, empowered births and thriving post-partums.

Out of passion and purpose I am continuously expanding my education on integrative healing.

My Certifications

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